Golem Overlord Wiki


This is the claim panel which is located in the bottom center of the gameplay dashboard.


The claim panel displays the following information:

  • Claim Times Available and Active
    • Short
    • Normal
    • Longer
  • Claim Percentage (including bonuses or penalties)
  • PARTs Scavenged
  • PART Storage Capacity
  • SHARDs Scavenged
  • SHARD Storage Capacity
  • Timer to Claim or "Ready" Symbol

Claim Panel Legend[]


Claim Times[]

There are three distinct claim time options on the scavenging dashboard. Each claim offers different bonuses or penalties and claim times. The choice of claim time is an important element of gameplay strategy.

In addition to the claim below, your level reduces your claim time cooldown.

Short Claim[]

Unlock by reaching level 15 and burning 49 PART.

The short claim timer is 4 hours long (not counting other modifications) but reduces your base claim by 20%.

Normal Claim[]

Players start with the normal claim unlocked.

The normal claim timer is 8 hours long (not counting other modifications) and you receive 100% of your claim.

Longer Claim[]

Unlock by reaching level 30 and burning 225 PART.

The long claim timer is 12 hours long (not counting other modifications) and increases your base claim by 8%.

Claim Percentage[]

Your claim percentage is modified by several factors. The screenshot below gives some examples.


Claim Bonuses[]

Your claim bonuses include:

Claim Penalties[]

If you burn less than 80% of the parts you claim, your earnings will be reduced. This claim penalty grows larger the further you are away from 80% burned. This affects both part and shard tokens. Burn or stake tokens to increase your multiplier. Comp tokens are not counted towards the amount claimed or burned.

Shard Storage Capacity[]

Your shard storage capacity is determined by the level of your faith stat. To increase your shard storage capacity, upgrade your faith. This chart shows the storage capacity for the first 100 levels of faith. Each level of faith after 100 adds storage capacity of 0.45 shard tokens.

